


82无纺布面粉袋订做15838231350岁小巷管家曾是武钢“铁娘子”82-year-old residents committee director was once the “Iron Lady” of WISCO极目新闻记者 孙婷婷 叶文波摄影:楚天都市报极目新闻记者 邹斌翻译:高克寒,涂思嘉,吴术驰JIMU NewsReporters: Sun Tingting and Ye WenboPhotographer: Zou BinTranslators: Gao Kehan, Tu Sijia, Wu Shuchi武钢第一位女指挥长退休后乐当小区业委会主任The first female commander of WuhanIronandSteelCorp. (WISCO) retired to become the director of a residents committee1月27日上午,寒风冷雨,武汉市青山区钢都花园125社区青扬六和小区,陆续有业主来到物业办公室领取春节物资。一位白发老者引人注目,她一边拿着手机在群里呼喊业主下楼,一边招呼大家排队签字。On the cold and rainy morning of January 27th, the residents in Qingyang Liuhe residential area, 125 Gangdu Garden community, Qingshan District, Wuhan came to the property office one after another to get supplies for the Spring Festival.An elderly lady with greyhair who was present was calling to other residents in their group chat to head downstairs all while beckoning those who had already arrived to queue up and sign receipt.年已82岁的刘涵清老人The elderly 82-year-old Liu Hanqing老人是82岁的刘涵清,现任社区网格党支部书记、小区业委会主任,为社区工作奔走已有9年。去年,为了小区的外墙防雨,她推着小车到建材市场问行情,为小区维修项目省下45万元。82-year-old Liu Hanqing, the secretary of the party branch of her community and the director of the residents committee has been working for that community for nine consecutive years.Last year, in order to ensure the communitys outdoor walls would not sustain rain damage, carrying a small cart headed to the building materials market to ask for more information. This resulted in a 450,000 yuan saving on this maintenance project.让人钦佩的是,老人退休前曾是武钢的第一位女指挥长,攻克多项国家乃至世界级技术难关,相继获得国家科技进步奖、湖北省劳动模范、荆楚楷模等荣誉。What is admirable is that this elderly lady was the first female commander of WISCO before she retired. She has solved many technical problems which originally remained unsolved in China and even globally. She has also won numerous awards including the national Science and Technology Progress Award, Hubei Province Model worker, Jingchu model among others.寒风中的白发志愿者Gray-haired volunteer in the cold wind无纺布面粉袋订做15838231350发放小区公共收益,为525户居民送来新春物资Turning public income into Spring Festival supplies and distributing them to 525 households.年已82岁的刘涵清老人The elderly 82-year-old Liu Hanqing“无纺布面粉袋订做15838231350过年包饺子啦!给全体业主送新春福利!”27日上午,极目新闻记者来到青扬六和小区北门,一条温馨的横幅映入眼帘。横幅对面是小区物业办公室,陆续有业主前来领面粉,满头白发的刘涵清老人跟大家打着招呼。“Have dumplings for the New Year! All residents can receive a new years gift package!” On the morning of the 27th, reporters from JIMU News came to the north gate of Qingyang Liuhe community, and saw this poster. On the opposite side of the poster is the residential property office where many residents were slowly arriving to collect flour as their new years gift, and Liu Hanqing was also present to greet everyone.寒风吹得人直打颤。82岁的刘涵清斜挎小包,精神抖擞地对居民喊:“请排队签字,再领取面粉,这是业委会送给大家的春节礼物。”刘涵清连任小区两届业委会主任,经开会上报并公示后,小区决定拿出一部分公共收益给业主送福利。Despite the chilling cold weather, Liu Hanqing, the 82-year-old lady, who carried a small bag, announced to the residents, “Please queue up to sign in order to get the flour. It is your new years gift from the residents committee.” Liu Hanqing had been reelected as the director of residents committee. After a meeting was held and approval was given, the committee decided to use part of the public income to buy new years gifts for the residents.“我看新闻说别的小区都在给业主发福利,今年我们小区公共收益有盈余,也应该让业主感受到小区的温暖。”说干就干,心中盘算几乎失眠的刘涵清起床就到社区,社区书记、物业、网格党支部研究商议,最终同意以送物资的方式回馈业主。“I read from the news that some communities were giving welfare packages to their residents. Our community has a surplus in public revenue this year, so we also have to allow our residents to feel the warmth of the community.” Taking action immediately, Liu Hanqing, who was too excited to fall asleep, got up and headed to the community, and discussed her idea with the community secretary, neighborhood management company and representatives of party branches. Finally, they decided to send gifts to residents as a welfare package.“过年包饺子,面粉最实用。”刘涵清到超市订购了500多袋小麦面粉,一袋5公斤。接着,她又带着4名党员志愿者到物业办公室,布置桌椅、摆放表格,忙得不亦乐乎。“Flour is a must have for the new year, because people need to make dumplings for the Spring Festival.” Liu Hanqing went to the supermarket and ordered more than 500 bags of wheat flour, each weighing 5kg. Then, she took four volunteers to the property office to rearrange tables and chairs, and lay out forms for signing.住119门的周女士接过小区发的面粉,感慨连连:“没想到小区免费送福利,谢谢刘老为大家奔走,真让我感动!”Ms. Zhou, who lives in apartment 119, after receiving the flour, said gratefully, “I didnt expect the gift we received from the community. I really appreciate the efforts made by Ms. Liu, I am deeply moved!”临近中午,前来领取物资的居民稀少了,但刘涵清坚持留在现场等候。女儿送来的面条没吃几口,果然就有人来了,老人放下碗筷又上前招呼,面条变凉了……At noon, fewer people came to collect their flour, but Liu Hanqinginsisted on waiting there. As she was eating the noodles brought to her by her daughter, people started to come as expected. She immediately put her chopsticks down to greet them, meanwhile her noodles were getting cold...“有些居民在上班或是行动不便,我们就安排志愿者把面粉送上门。”老人说。“If any of the residents are busy at work or are not able to go out, we will have volunteers deliver the flour to their homes.” said Liu Hanqing.武钢第一位女指挥长First Female Commander at WISCO突破技术瓶颈摆脱国外制约,却放弃申请专利Solving technical bottlenecks and getting rid of foreign restrictions, but also giving up the chance to apply for patents在小区张贴雪天出门提醒Posting a caution notice due to the snowy weather in the neighborhood82岁的刘涵清还有一个身份,曾是武钢的第一位女指挥长。82-year-old Liu Hanqing had another side to her identity, WISCOs first female commander.走进老人的家中,只见她的档案材料整齐列柜。一张张耀眼的荣誉证书,仿佛电影幕布回放老人的传奇故事。Walking into her home, one can see the archived material neatly arranged in the bookshelf. Therein lies all kinds of dazzling certificates of honor, almost as if it was a movie replaying the elderly womans legendary life story.1962年,无纺布面粉袋订做15838231350刘涵清大学毕业分配到武钢工作。1981年,她担任“零七”轧机验收国家专家组第六组组长,验收从国外引进的设备。“每年引进技术装备要花不少钱,自力更生才是王道啊!”刘涵清下定决心,一定要摆脱外国的制约。在武钢担任指挥长时的工作照When she was a commander at WuhanIronandSteelCorp. (WISCO)In 1962, Liu Hanqing was assigned to work at WISCO after graduating from university. In 1981, she served as the leader of the sixth group of the national expert group to work on the acceptance of the “07” rolling mill. They were responsible for accepting equipment that was brought in from abroad. “It would cost a lot of money to import technical equipment every year. Therefore, it was of highest priority that we produce our own equipment!” Liu Hanqing was determined to get rid of foreign restraints.在刘老家里,这位82岁的白发老人打开电脑,一番流畅操作让人惊叹。其实,早在上世纪80年代,她就学会了使用电脑。为了把冶炼各项指标、流程烂熟于心,她每天拿一个5厘米厚的笔记本到处记录各种数据。At Lius home, this 82-year-old grey-haired elderly lady turns on her computer and uses it with astonishing fluency. In fact, she learned how to use a computer in the 1980s. In order to engrave all the smelting indicators and procedures on her mind, she would carry a 5cm thick notebook at all times every day to record all kinds of data.1990年,表现突出的刘涵清被任命为二炼钢工程指挥部指挥长。这也是武钢第一位由女性担任的指挥长。In 1990, Liu Hanqing, who performed outstandingly well in her work, was appointed as the commander for the second Steelmaking Engineering Headquarters, and thus became WISCOs first female commander.1200多吨的吊车之下,47米高的放散塔之上,在炼钢火炉前,这位“铁娘子”没日没夜地与技术人员一同钻研工艺。这一年,她穿坏了6双鞋。In front of the steelmaking furnace, the “iron lady” diligently studied the craft day and night with her technicians, standing under the crane of more than 1,200 tons just above the 47m diffusing tower. She wore out six pairs of shoes that year.经过10多年的攻坚,刘涵清指挥的攻关项目陆续成功,其中有两项无纺布面粉袋订做15838231350分别荣获国家科学技术进步奖二等奖、国家环保局三等奖。她受到党和国家领导人接见,冶金部发来电报表扬:改变百年钢铁炼钢工艺,成为国家首创。After more than 10 years of tremendous effort, the key projects directed by Liu Hanqing have so far achieved success successively. Two of these have won the Second Prize of the State Science and Technology Progress Award and the Third Prize of the State Environmental Protection Bureau. She was even honored with the chance to be received by the leaders of the Party and the state. In addition, she received a phone call from the Ministry of Metallurgy praising her for changing the steelmaking process which has become a national original creation.其中一项RH真空多功能精炼技术,系国家“十五”规划的重点技术攻关项目。该项目突破了国产炼钢瓶颈,大大提升炼钢的产量与质量,使得武钢产品跻身世界十大品牌。得益于这一技术,国家相关设备的国产化率提高到65%以上,摆脱了工业建设受制于外国的局面。Among the projects, the RH vacuum multifunctional refining technology is considered as a key technical project in the National Tenth Five-Year Plan. This project solved the domestic steelmaking bottlenecks, which greatly improved the output and quality of steelmaking, making WISCOs products among the worlds top ten brands. Thanks to this technology, the localization rate of related national facilities has increased to more than 65 percent, freeing the country from the restriction of industrial construction being left to foreign countries.1995年退休后,刘涵清又被单位返聘,一直干到了70岁。她牵头指挥34个重大项目,为国家节省数千万元资金。古稀之年离开岗位,老人积攒了81本工作笔记,摞起来4米多高,都是精密的数据分析。这些笔记现已编入国家档案,被永久收藏。After retiring in 1995, Liu Hanqing was re-employed by the enterprise and worked until she was 70 years old. The 34 major projects directed by her have saved tens of millions of yuan for the country. When she left her post in her seventies, she had accumulated 81 written notes from her time at work, which were when piled up were more than 4 meters high, all of which were precise data analysis. These notes have now been permanently collected and placed in the national archives.“怎么不申请专利?这样子子孙孙都够用啦!”有人这样问。刘涵清说:“我自幼家贫,靠人民助学金完成学业,是党和无纺布面粉袋订做15838231350国家培养了我,我人是国家的,我的技术更是国家的。”When asked the question “Why not apply for a patent? The fees youd get from the patent would be enough for your children and grandchildren!” Liu Hanqing said, “I grew up in a poor family and so I relied on the peoples grants to complete my studies. It is the party and the country that have cultivated me, I belong to the country, and so my skills and technology naturally also belong to the country.”乐当社区“小巷管家”Volunteering to handle neighborhood affairs推小车到建材市场问价,为小区维修省下45万元Liu Hanqing once wheeled a trolley to a building material market to make price inquiries, through which she ended up saving 450,000 yuan for neighborhood maintenance works.“有人说业委会主任是‘三无干部’,说话没人听,没有办公室,也没有工资,可我们很信任刘老,刘老连任了小区业委会主任。”家住122门栋的业主陈春林说道。“It is said jokingly that the director of residents committee is a ‘nobody’ and has neither a salary nor an office, one whom no one would listen to. But we deeply trust Ms. Liu, so we elected her to serve another term as director.” said Chen Chunlin, a resident living in building No.122.刘涵清真心为民办实事,受“监督”的小区物业经理丁琳深有感触。她说:“刘老很认真,思路很清晰,她要求我们物业每周要向业委会提交一周的工作计划和总结,然后她逐项跟踪落实。”在台历上记录工作计划Recording her work schedule on a desk calendarDinglin, the manager of the neighborhood management company is also deeply impressed. “Liu always works conscientiously and has a clear mind. She requires that we submit our weekly work summary and plan to the residents committee, after which she inspects accordingly and pushes for the implementation of everything mentioned.”这几天从天气预报得知要下雪,刘涵清又赶紧通知物业准备草垫、铁锹,丁琳也赶紧细化应急预案。After learning that the weather forecast was predicting snow, Liu informed the management company of early preparations to lay out straw mats and prepare spades for potential icy days. Besides that, Dinglin also began to improve her emergency plan.在刘涵清家中,记者翻开2021年、2022年的台历,上面每一页都写得密密麻麻,记录着老人每天的工作计划:小区维修改造、发放物资、社区开会……“记忆力下降了,生怕忘了每天要做的事。”无纺布面粉袋订做15838231350刘老笑着说。When in Lius home, the interviewer was permitted to open the 2021 and 2022 desk calendar, only to find each page had been filled and written with specific work plans including the neighborhood maintenance and renovation works, distribution of welfare supplies to residents, neighborhood meetings yet to be held, etc. “My memory is becoming bad, so I write down each days schedule just in case I forget.” explained Liu with a smile.自2013年担任业委会主任以来,刘老一直深得大家的信赖。2021年7月,小区居民楼要做外墙维修防雨工程,施工方应邀出了竞标方案,刘涵清拿到方案后逐一核查,材料、工艺、安全措施、呈报的维修面积……老人带着业委会成员一起丈量尺寸。招呼居民领取面粉Distributing flour to residentsSince serving as the director of the residents committee in 2013, Liu is now deeply trusted by the people living here. Back in July 2021, bids were welcomed on the waterproof project for the residential buildings external walls, and a construction company offered their building plan. But Liu scrutinized every term of the plan such as material, workmanship, protective measures for workers, the reported project area, etc. She even did the measuring of the project area by herself accompanied by committee members.炎热夏季,她推着助力的婴儿车到建材市场考察,逐家询问价格、比对工艺,最终与施工方谈判,将对方约90万元的维修报价砍掉45万,为小区节约了一大笔维修资金。“业主的钱要花到实处,每一分钱的去向都要搞清楚,有职就有责。”刘涵清说。In the scorching hot summer, she would carry a baby trolley and visit almost every shop at the local building materials market making inquiries and comparing workmanship. Through these efforts, Liu had a clear idea about the price range, which enabled her to bargain the price to half of the initial quoted price of 900,000 yuan in the negotiation with the construction company. This helped the residents save a huge fortune. “Every penny should be spent where it is needed the most and also for a solid reason. With power comes great responsibility.” said Liu.9年来,刘老为小区做了许多实事:统计孤寡老人情况,安排上门送关怀;电梯坏了,请专业公司前来维修;消防设施损坏了,全部维修到位。老人说:“作为一名老党员,我这辈子不图钱、不图利,退休了到最复杂的基层小区和群众打交道,能为居民办一点实事,是我最大的心愿。”Over the past 9 years, Liu has taken part in a great number of meaningful services for her neighborhood: organizing of home care services for registered widowed elderly people; organizing repairs of broken elevators and fire safety equipment. Liu said, “As a member of Communist Party of China, I have never craved for money or fame, instead Ive always longed to work at the grassroots level and serve the people after my retirement. Thats my greatest desire and it has finally come true.”刘涵清70岁从武钢离开岗位时,曾有许多公司邀请这位顶级技术专家入职,“只需挂名月收入过万”,但是老人都拒绝了。When Liu retired from WISCO at the age of 70, many companies showed their intention of employing her since she is a top technician expert. “If I took the offer, I would receive a salary of more than ten thousand yuan per month,” however she declined all the offers.更多精彩资讯请在应用市场下载“极目新闻”客户端,未经授权请勿转载,欢迎提供新闻线索,一经采纳即付报酬。举报/反馈

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